This is something that is always changing for me and probably always will. My current definition of my sexual orientation is homo-flexible: I'm gay but shit happens. I've dated bio males, transguys, butch women, femme women, Americans, I've been around the block and then some. I sway towards pansexual:a person who participates in (or is open to) sexual activities of many kinds, but that doesn't sit right with who I am at the moment.
My gender identity is something I've been pondering for a few months, what it means to be a woman or a man, gender-queer, trans, or just in between. I am biologically a woman and many of my behaviours and tenancies follow that of what society has taught women to be. However as a gay woman I don't always agree with the 'sight quietly and look pretty' default that my gender has been assigned. So I'm a modern woman. A woman who isn't equal to males but wants to be treated with the same respect and given the same chances and opportunities a bio-male would get.
So this became a rant. In short I'm a kinda girly, outspoken, short hair, jeans loving gay woman, who's not afraid of the word dyke, dislikes the word lesbian and is pissed off at society's gender definitions.
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