Saturday, March 27, 2010


I love women. Love. Strong word but it can only begin to explain my fascination with the female being.

I love their aura, the way sunlight bounces off their skin, their amazingly creative ways of always looking individual and absolutely incredible.

I love how each woman brings something new to the table. How each woman is a nurturer, a smile waiting to happen.

This love first began when I was quite young. Girls were amazing, powerful, clever. Girls could ruin my life in a way boys never could.

I had my first girl crush aged 14. It terrified me. To the child of a strict Catholic upbringing it was worse than a mortal sin. I thought I had this flashing light following me, a billboard above my head that showed my innermost thoughts for the whole world to read and find weird, odd, wrong.

I landed in bisexual land aged 15, telling two close friends who interrogated me. I ran back to my closet but they never said a word.

I felt different. I was always different. I saw things in a way others never did. Like my eyes were different to everyone else's. I saw women. Powerful women. Women rule the world. I became outraged at patriarchal society for stifling women, for hiding us away in our kitchens. We have so much more to offer the world than kitchens.

I always considered myself a feminist. It was one label that never scared me. Not like lesbian. Lesbian scared me. Lesbian meant being harassed by the straight girls, having short hair and wearing Doc Martins. It meant never being understood by society and being an outcast.

I don't call myself a lesbian. I identify with 'gay woman' more than lesbian. Lesbian for me means the older generation, the bulldykes who hate all men and wear vegan clothing. I am a gay woman.

I am a gay, feminist Jewish woman. Liberal of course. Women light the candles, bring in the Sabbath, are a vital part of the community.

Women will one day rule the world. Men are dying off. Most of the Y chromosome (the boy one) is useless. Someday there will be just women.

I'm reading The Vagina Monologues. I want to perform it someday with a full lesbian cast. I believe in the power of women to change the world.

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