Been following a friends blog for a while now and I'm really enjoying her 30 days of LGBT blog series. So I am stealing ^_^ I'll never manage 30 consecutive days so I'll just try to complete it in my own time.
Kudos to her, check out her blog:
Day 1 – Your sexual orientation or gender identity. Be creative in your definition.
Day 2 – Did you have any experiences as a child that might have foreshadowed your sexuality?
Day 3 – How old were you when you knew? What was that like for you?
Day 4 – The first person you came out to and that story
Day 5 – Thoughts regarding inner turmoil about your sexuality; Did you have any? Did it escalate to self-injury or suicidal thoughts?
Day 6 – Did you face any problems regarding religion?
Day 7 – How your parents took it or how you think they might take it
Day 8 – What do you think the closet or being closeted means to you?
Day 9 – What do you think about LGBT Pride? Is it helpful or hurtful? Encouraged or unnecessary?
Day 10 – What does marriage mean to you?
Day 11 – Your favorite LGBT book (or one you’d like to read)
Day 12 – Your favorite LGBT movie (or one you’d like to see)
Day 13 – Your favorite LGBT role model/celebrity
Day 14 – Your favorite LGBT song or artist
Day 15 – Your favorite LGBT quote
Day 16 – A picture from your first LGBT relationship or of your first LGBT crush
Day 17 – Your first experience with an LGBT organization or event (Day of Silence, Pride, etc)
Day 18 – Something about the LGBTQ community you don’t understand or have a question about
Day 19 – Butch or Femme?
Day 20 – Maureen or Joanne? (Or your favorite LGBTQ show or queer-positive show)
Day 21 – Political LGBT issue that is closest to you or affects you most
Day 22 – An LGBT image that makes you smile
Day 23 – An LGBT image that makes you cry or makes you angry
Day 24 – The stupidest argument/comment you’ve heard about gay people or an LGBT issue
Day 25 – The LGBT slur you hate most or if you’ve taken back a slur and used it as a definition, ie queer or fag
Day 26 – Your favorite gay joke (we all need to laugh at ourselves)
Day 27 – Your favorite LGBT blog/tumblr/site
Day 28 – Write a letter to someone. It can be a coming out letter or a letter regarding how you hate their homophobia or whatnot. You don’t have to send it.
Day 30 – Anything LGBT you’d like to end this on :]